Then well... one dramatic incident that had happened to me was that i lost a tooth on the 18 April. My left jaw was swollen over the weekend before that and it was so pain that I could not think well... so without much consideration, I’d gotten a dentist to pluck out a wisdom tooth from my left jaw. I went to work the next day and gotten a fever after that. Then for the rest of the week, I could not sleep and eat because the scene of the dentist pulling out my tooth just kept floating in my head, and the pain really bugged me.

The most stupid part, however, was that the tooth that I’d extracted is not the tooth that is having problem; it is the one that is biting onto the one that have problem. What’s more, I continued to do stupid thing with my teeth - I went for another dentist in AH, and signed up for a surgery to get all the rest of my wisdom teeth out... Well, the surgery will be in June but I think I will probably postpone it. So, if u wishes, and can remember this, probably u can pray for me…
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