Sunday, July 17, 2005

Project Timothy Bible Conference...

I just came back from PTBC which is a 3 days 2 nights stay-in conference that teaches people to handle the Word of God faithfully. This kind of bible conference is held every year and different speakers would be invited to speak and teach about some issue from the bible. Like last year, the topic is on Holy Spirit, whilst this year is on the issue of predestination.

I personally had learnt much from the conference ( but well, i will not try to write out a summary now cuz mi a bit lazy now.. =p.. maybe some other time ba.. ) and had made some new friends from other churches too. For me, the workshops on how to read the book of Revelations and Hebrews was very useful, though it was quite brief and short, i think i had learnt a lot from Ray Galean and Peter O'Brien... even from their sermons, they had encouraged me a great deal, to perserve in the faith I had in Christ Jesus and to really trust in God's sovereignty..

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