Think a lot today... many issues aroused yesterday that caused me to think about people's faith in Christ nowadayz...
One of it is Prof Tay's speech for SCE's DND, I read it, having an intention to see how a Christian Prof addressed to the non-believers @ the dinner. Guess he tried to subtly challenge the students to re-think about life... about happiness with his 3 points... But I just felt that something is missing somewhere...
I gotta this feeling that it's a "sermon" of how YOU can be happy and purposeful in this sinful world; which kinda contradicted my Christian understanding of denying myself... loving others... having joy IN the Lord, and bring this joy to the others...
I recalled the sermon of contentment during our last FOC that whether Paul is in plenty or none, he can be "happy" because he understand that he got nothing to boast about in the first place... everything he had achieved... anything he can do, he considered them rubbish upon knowing Jesus. Thus, I felt that Tay's 3 points, in the end, will not help people to understand the "Joy" that people need, which is knowing that we are already condemned, and how God graciously saved us; this brings about thanksgiving in our heart and hence indescribable joy... It is an act of God. Not something we can do to attain.
Nevertheless, guess Tay had tried his best lahz...
Well, the rest of the issues will be discussed during the different care groups... cuz I guess all the CGLs, like me, were greatly challenged to ruminate God's faithfulness and the "yunan garden thingy" and assimilate faith in Christ... not in our experiences. So do attend CG if you wish to sharpen ur faith... So glad to know that there are actually non NTU people attending our CGs... がんばいて (ganbaite) to all people, as we stand firm in the faith!
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