Friday, August 13, 2004

Song of the day...

Live a life for You

What have I to boast a life sold to sin?
Striving for selfish gain apart from You, my King
Whom am I to claim? The grace You freely give
By Your Son's obedient death
You brought us from our sin

By His death on the Cross You saved me from
You just and certain condemnation
By the Power that raised; Your Christ o'er the grave
I'm now Your new creation

Renew my mind, transform my life
to live only for You, to walk in the light
What joy to know, I'll be like Your Son
Who avails us to worship You
In spirit and truth.

Verse 2:
Why should God Himself wear frail humanity?
In love, Christ bore the wrath of God; nailed on Calvary
So help me choose to live for Him who gave me life
For imitate Your perfect Son and glorify Your Christ

So I love my neighbour, as myself
Be he my enemy or friend
So I serve mt brother, united by blood
until we gather round the Lamb

A very nice song that I'd heard in ARPC today as I visited it the second time. Wonderful lyrics, Beautiful melody... and it really speaks to my heart as I sing. I so loveth this song that I went up to the song leader after service to ask for the lyrics and of where can I buy the cd.
To my dismay, in one sense, that it's not a song from any CD, but was written by fellow ARPC members. So, she gave me the lyrics, and I ask for more... the guitar chord for the song i asked, and she actually gave me the handbook of gospelic songs sang in ARPC, at a price of 10. I am so amazed to know that they have a compilation of evangelical songs... so without much thinking, Yongjie and I shared to buy the handbook...

I was so happy that I gotta the lyrics of the song with chords, forgetting that I actually can't rem much of how to sing the song...=p... anyway, Yongjie knows how, so will bug him for the next few days... heehee. Gosh... I miss the guitar... how i wish i can play some songs with it now... =s haiz... Anyway, I was quite inspired somehow... hoping that I can compose a song too...when I got the time... hahahaa... =).. Arggg... anyway, gotta do my assignment for SC 443... =[


Mskmouse said...

Would love to hear it. :)

Unknown said...

Carry on with the hard work sister, not only in your project, but in preaching Christ to pple. Am glad that you've been reminded by that passage (by yongjie), think we all need it too now and then ;) Press on!